Friday, April 3, 2020

What is an Online Tutoring Course?

What is an Online Tutoring Course?An Indian River College online tutoring course provides assistance for all your school-related needs. This course has an accredited and approved counselor, and it also provides regular teaching activities to help students develop their knowledge. In this course, students are able to learn any subject in a fast manner. The tutoring system at this college is extremely effective.Online tutoring is an excellent way of learning. Students who enroll in this course can work at their own pace and can focus on their studies. They can make the most out of the course by acquiring information through multiple sources, such as online references, Internet, books, and other reference materials. The tutors at this college are highly experienced and qualified in the field of online tutoring.When you enroll in this course, you will be taken to the online tutor. It is important that you contact the tutor if you need any kind of clarification. This can assist students f rom different parts of the country to complete their course.Online tutoring is one of the best ways of studying. It is very convenient because it enables students to work on the subject that they love the most. Many people take up this course because they want to complete their studies.One of the most important benefits of online tutoring is that it gives the student time to focus on their studies. Students can easily use the Internet to search for the kinds of material that they need. The convenience of this is that students do not have to leave the computer and go to the library to obtain their desired material.Also, students can earn credits that can be used to pursue higher studies. The student can take up additional courses and research in the areas of study that he or she is interested in. Furthermore, he or she will also get to experience life in a college campus, instead of just studying at home.If you wish to join the college online tutoring course, you must provide your fu ll name, date of birth, mother's maiden name, and last name. All the details that you will provide will be submitted to the university, so you must provide accurate details. Only by doing this, the college will be able to match you with the tutor that you require. Any discrepancies that you come across will be corrected by the college.

Monday, March 23, 2020

What is it Like to Attend Scripps College

What is it Like to Attend Scripps College Hannah is a current junior at Scripps College. She is majoring in human biology, and specializes in elementary math tutoring, biology tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Scripps College: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Hannah: Scripps College is in a suburban area, but close enough to access all of the resources in Los Angeles. Its really easy to bring a car, otherwise you can walk or Uber downtown to Claremont Village. If youre looking to go into LA, which is about 45 minutes away, there are public transportation options. Additionally, I always feel extremely safe on campus. Scripps is part of a five-college consortium, so you can walk from Scripps to Pomona College, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont McKenna College, or Pitzer College in just a couple of minutes. Many people bike to class, too, and bikes are available to both rent and purchase. I definitely feel very safe on campus. If I need to get from one campus to another late at night, Campus Safety will pick me up and take me home if I feel unsafe. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Hannah:Professors are very accessible. One of the things I love about Scripps is the small class sizes, which make it really easy to meet with and get to know professors. Professors offer weekly office hours and many are happy to arrange one-on-one meetings. There are TAs for some classes, but they are often just an additional resource. Most professors are very personal and love to get to know all of their students. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Hannah:Scripps dorms are incredible. They are beautiful, homey, and you end up making so many friends with the people in your hall. As a member of the 5Cs, Scripps students can choose to dine at any of the seven dining halls located on the campuses. The food is excellent, and they put a lot of thought into making sure there are plenty of options for people with allergies or other dietary preferences or restrictions. Its super easy to make friends here as well. Scripps women are very friendly, and there are a lot of opportunities to meet people from the other schools through classes, student organizations, clubs, and sports. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Hannah:Common majors include biology, psychology, English, and ethnic studies. I study human biology. I think Scripps does a great job in promoting a large breadth of knowledge not only in ones desired area of study, but also in ones other areas of interest. In fact, its possible to follow a pre-med track (which I intend to do) with almost any major. The science department at Scripps is shared with Pitzer and Claremont McKenna Colleges, and most labs and lectures occur through the Keck Science Department. Since you dont have to compete with a large number of graduate students like you would at a big university, its really easy to find research opportunities by getting to know your science professors and lab instructors. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Hannah:Its extremely easy to meet people and make friends as a first year. Its also very easy to meet people at the other four campuses since we all share sports teams, many classes, clubs, and organizations. Greek life does not play a significant role in the campus social life. There are a couple of fraternities, but definitely not in the traditional sense. How helpful are the Career Centerand other student support services? Hannah:I just finished my first year, so I havent turned to the Career Center for any help yet, but from what Ive heard they are extremely helpful to students. The ladies at the Career Center help look at your resume, go over job applications, and are overall very supportive. Scripps has a pretty good reputation as a college, so I imagine that reputable companies recruit on campus. However, I have no personal experience, as I havent sought a job on campus yet. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Hannah:The library is pretty packed during finals week, but during the rest of the year its pretty easy to find a table or even a private room to study. The Scripps campus is also very spacious and there are great study spots like the Motley, the student-run coffee shop where I love doing homework during the week. Describe the surrounding town. Hannah:Campus always has a lot of fun activities, but if you want to branch out, Claremont Village is only about a 10-minute walk away from campus. Its a 45-minute drive to LA, which allows for fun weekend adventures in the city. It also allows for great internship, research, and summer job opportunities. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Hannah:I love the small class sizes. There are some lecture classes with over 60 students, but those often also have smaller lab sections or discussion sections during which you can really get to know your professor. Most of my discussion classes and labs are capped around 17 people. We can meet with professors during office hours or one-on-one, and dont have to rely just on TAs for help. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Hannah:Last semester I had an incredible calculus teacher. When I had trouble understanding the material, I would arrange to meet with her in her office. I always felt welcome and comfortable asking questions and seeking help. Because it was a really challenging class, I dont think I would have done as well as I did if it werent for the outside help my teacher was happy to provide. Check out Hannahs tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Online Dividing Monomials Tutoring - Dividing Monomials Help

Online Dividing Monomials Tutoring - Dividing Monomials Help Dividing monomials deals with the problems of dividing monomial expressions. Monomial expression is an expression consists of single term. Dividing monomials is the basic concept on dividing polynomials. Use laws of exponent on dividing variables. Monomial division starts with dividing the coefficients and for dividing variables we must follow the rules of exponents which means when we divide like variable subtract the powers. The following examples clearly illustrate the steps involved in dividing monomials. Example 1: Divide (12x^3y^-2) / 4y^-1x^2 Solution: First divide the coefficients 12/-4 = 3 Then divide the variables (like terms) As per law of exponents, subtract the powers on division. x^3 / x^2 = x^1 = x y^-2 / y^-1 = y^-2-(-1) = y^-1 Therefore the answer is 3xy^-1 Example 2: The area of a rectangle is 48s^7t^4. If length of rectangle is 8s^4t then what is the width of the rectangle? Solution: The area of rectangle = 48s^7t^4 The length of rectangle = 8s^4t We know Area = length * width Here length and Area is given. Plug in the values, we get, 48s^7t^4 = 8s^4t / w Width w = 48s^7t^4 / 8s^4t First divide the coefficients and then divide the variables, 48/8 = 5 s^7t^4 / s^4t = s^3 t^3 Therefore the width of rectangle is 5s^3 t^3 Example 3: Divide 24x^3y^5z / -2xy^3 Solution: Divide the coefficient = 24/2 = -12 Now divide the variables x^3y^5z / xy^3 = x^2y^2z The answer is -12 x^2y^2z Note: Take care of signs while dividing the coefficients.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Time To Get Real New Rocksmith Game Hooks Up To Actual Guitars

Time To Get Real New Rocksmith Game Hooks Up To Actual Guitars Suzy S. Ever since Rock Band and Guitar Hero were released, there have been opposing sides arguing for and against using the game as a learning tool â€" after all, players dont use actual instruments or use correct finger placements for chords. But that controversy can be put to rest with the newest music game, Rocksmith â€" and we can’t wait to try it out! Rocksmith allows users to hook up their guitars directly to a PC, Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 through an output jack.   The program features mini-games (a “Guitarcade,” if you will) to help improve your guitar skills, including games focused on fret placement, scale patterns, harmonics and slide technique.   Advanced players can take advantage of the Technique Challenge, in which specific techniques must be repeated back, and sections that need work are highlighted and slowed down. This release got us thinking what other music games made a big impact on the industry?   CNN recently wrote up a list of Top 10 Music Games Of All Time, and here a few that caught our eye: 1978: Simon Behind the music: Launched on May 15 at Studio 54, this Jurassic forerunner to todays touch-sensitive Nintendo DS featured four colored buttons (red, green, yellow and blue) and three simple variations on its gameplay. A great memory is crucial players have to repeat back a randomized or user-created sequence of lights and tones with a simple poke. Named after the childs game Simon Says and created by Ralph Baer who also invented home console gaming with the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972 it quickly became an American institution. Why it rocks: Besides single-handedly popularizing handheld electronic entertainment and directly influencing every subsequent system from the Game Boy to the PlayStation Portable (PSP), its pattern-based action formed the basis for nearly all music-themed titles to come. 1997: PaRappa the Rapper Behind the music: A far cry from what was going on with PCs at the time, this quirky PSOne Japanese import challenged players to bust a move by pressing buttons in time to featured beats. Do it correctly and you drop mad science on martial arts masters, moose driving instructors, Rastafarian frogs and chickens that pass for chefs.   Captivating domestic audiences with its sing-song vibe, hypnotic play and psychedelic cardboard-cutout aesthetic, its still one of the freshest interactive approximations of emceeing hip-hop heads will find. Why it rocks: PaRappa brought the rhythm game category home to North American shores, which eventually gave birth to countless hip-wiggling rivals from Unison to Bust-A-Groove. And of course… 2007: Rock Band Behind the music: The first game to combine all aspects of the virtual music-making experience (singing, pounding drums, playing guitar or plucking bass) was also the initial offering to deliver peripherals for all (including microphone, plastic drum set and faux ax) in one kit.In total, over 100 million digital songs have been downloaded for the Rock Band family of games, with more than 2,700 tracks from 900 artists including Metallica, The Ramones and Fleetwood Mac available across all retail and downloadable installments, including digital distribution platform the Rock Band Network. Thousands of masters, re-recordings or alternate tracks (all playable) by artists like Rush and Weezer, not to mention countless fans who can perform as cohesive four-man bands online should ensure it remains a house-party icebreaker of choice. Why it rocks: Providing the now-defunct MTV Games a then-marquee entrée into the gaming universe, it also laid the foundations for groundbreaking tributes (The Beatles: Rock Band), cutting-edge online innovations (Rock Band Network) and future motion-controlled games (Dance Central) to come. Here at TakeLessons, were all for any games that gets kids hooked and interested in music.   Of course, the best way to learn is to work one-on-one with a music teacher, who can tailor the lessons specifically to you and your goals.   (Need help finding a teacher?   Click here to search by zip code and lesson type!) Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

How to Spot A Job With Upward Mobility - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Spot A Job With Upward Mobility - Introvert Whisperer How to Spot A Job With Upward Mobility Getting off to a good start in a career isnt always easy. Its often just as difficult to find a new opportunity when looking to move on from an unsatisfying job. The truth is, though, choosing the wrong job will inevitably lead you right back into a perpetual job hunt. The key is to find a job with an organization that supports personal growth and professional development that will keep you engaged and thriving for years. Thats why its crucial to learn how to spot the qualities of a job that offers upward mobility before you begin your job search. To help you to land a great job with room for you to grow, heres how to spot a job with upward mobility. Look For Cross-Functional Positions One of the easiest ways to spot a job with upward mobility is to look at the description of the job itself. These days, its not uncommon to see employers listing open positions with the moniker Cross-Functional added to the title. If you dig a little deeper, youll find that those jobs require some interdisciplinary work that may extend beyond your core competencies. The good news is that many employers that are listing these positions dont expect you to be expert at everything, and will provide you with the training you need to succeed. That guarantees that you will be landing a job that allows you to learn new skills, and in many cases, move between departments as internal vacancies occur. Professional Development Perks Employers today realize that recruiting and retaining top talent requires more than just offering high salaries. In fact, surveys indicate that 87% of Millennials cite professional development as a key factor in their willingness to keep a job. Employers, for their part, are responding by creating multi-level employee retention programs that include generous professional development initiatives. For example, Amazon, Inc. offers all employees tuition reimbursement of up to 95% of costs to help them earn certificates and degrees in new fields. With a program like that, you could earn a masters degree in data science that would help you to move into the hottest new job category in the country. You wont find more upward mobility than that! Companies That Promote From Within Another great way to land a position with upward mobility is to focus your search on companies that have a reputation for promoting from within. Even in todays transient labor environment, there are still plenty of companies that have a longstanding culture that elevates employees throughout their organizations. Take Costco, for example. The warehouse shopping chain has been promoting existing employees up through the chain of command since their beginnings. Even their CEO, Craig Jelinek, started with the company collecting shopping carts in parking lots at the beginning of his tenure with the company. The Tools For Success If you take the time to look for positions that meet any (or all) of the above criteria, theres a good chance that youll be setting yourself up for a long, successful career. Its also a safe bet that that career will grant you the flexibility to learn new skills and grow as a person, which is so vital for personal fulfillment and happiness. All it takes is a little bit of careful preparation as you head into your job search and a willingness to be selective as you decide which positions to pursue. If you manage to land a job with the kind of upward mobility described here, theres no telling how far your career journey will take you. Author bio: Andrej is a dedicated writer and digital evangelist. He is pursuing an ongoing mission to share the benefits of his years of hard-won expertise with business leaders and marketing professionals everywhere. He is a contributor to a wide range of technology-focused publications, where he may be found discussing everything from neural networks and natural language processing to the latest in smart home IoT devices. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Need Accounting Homework Help Call To Experts

Need Accounting Homework Help â€" Call To Experts 0SHARESShare Knowledge of Accounting is imperative for a businessman or entrepreneur to get along the lines of success and profit in their business. Without an Accounting department, it would be a tough task to monitor the cash inflow, payments, payrolls and profit and loss status of a business concern. Online tutors can help you offering personalized accounting homework help. Expert Online Accounting Tutors Are Ready to Help You. Accounting managers are part of the success of a growing organization as they provide source for internal monetary controlling systems in an organization. Importance of Accounting Homework Help People always have a penchant for business transactions one way or the other and hence businesses thrive somehow or the other, despite their ups and downs. Eventually, any student who takes up an  accounting homework help has fine employability and large scope for getting good positions in any of the organizations which are industry oriented. Or, if you have a mind for a business set up in future, it helps you a great way knowing the Accounting basics and ideas related to it. Thus you really have a bright future for you with your specialization in Accounting. How to learn Accounting? Minute details in Accounting would take you to task as you basically deal with numbers all the time. A slow and steady approach in dealing with columns could bear fruitful results for you while dealing with balance sheets and income statements. Problem solving too could be hectic with their varied details and lengthy solutions. It would be safe to take recourse to a tutoring portal that would offer accounting homework help to lessen your stress. Tutor Pace offers help with easy break up methods to analyze the problems in Accounting and provides unique strategies to cope with tough topics in an easy way. It is good to take up Accounting learning with the help of an online Accounting tutor for your best results. [starbox id=admin]

AP Exam Prep 2013 at AJ Tutoring

AP Exam Prep 2013 at AJ Tutoring Worried about preparing for the upcoming AP exams in May 2013?   AJ Tutoring is here to help with a variety of group class and one-on-one tutoring options!AJ Tutoring offers group classes for the AP US History and AP English Language exams.   The AP US History group class includes 8 hours of group instruction and two full-length practice tests; the total cost is $350.   The AP English Language group class includes 6 hours of group instruction of two full-length practice tests; the total cost is $250.   Both classes take place at AJ Tutorings Palo Alto office.AJ Tutoring also offers one-on-one tutoring for AP US History, AP English Language, and most other AP subjects, including calculus, statistics, biology, chemistry, physics, and European history.   All AP prep students currently enrolled at AJ Tutoring are welcome to take proctored AP practice tests free of charge at our Palo Alto office.   The dates for the proctored tests are as follows:Sunday April 21, 2013,   1:30-4:45 pmSunda y April 28, 2013,   3:30-6:45 pmSunday May 5, 2013, 10 am-1:15 pmSpace is limited in group classes and one-on-one tutoring, so register today!   Email or call (650) 331-3251 to speak with a director about your students AP exam preparation.